3 Life Lessons We Can Learn From Autumn
Burnt orange. Mustard yellow. Crimson. Gold. Brown. Cosy blankets. Hot drinks. Pumpkins. Acorns. Bare branches. The crackling of fire. Slow-cooked meals. The crunch of the leaves. Candle-light. Long baths. The air turns crisp.
The signs that autumn is here.
The Autumn Equinox is the astronomical start of autumn in the northern hemisphere. It’s when both day and night are of equal length. Both the equinox and the season of autumn are a time to pause as you reflect on your year so far, reap your proverbial harvest, practice gratitude and set intentions for the season(s) ahead. A time to truly connect with your inner self, let go of what no longer serves you and invite in more of what brings you joy.
This is what we explore with my Autumn Replenish Retreat ~ 5 days of nourishing wellness practices that will support you to ease into autumn. This is a 5~day at~home retreat that you can enjoy at your own leisure. Sign up here.
Mother nature is our greatest teacher and the season of Autumn has many lessons to teach us. Here are 3 life lessons we can learn from Autumn:
1. Letting go
As the leaves fall from the trees and the flowers stop blooming, mother nature transforms into a new version of herself.
Growth requires release. This is something many of us struggle with but it is a necessary part of life. It’s going to happen whether we like it or not so we can fight it or we can accept it.
It’s something I have come to accept and welcome thanks to my cyclical living practice. I understand that it’s part of the cycle of life and letting go of what is no longer serving will make space for things that do. Letting go of people who are weighing me down will make space for people who lift me up. Letting go of thoughts and habits that are holding me back will make space for thoughts and habits that propel me forwards.
How do you feel about letting go? Here are some journaling prompts to support you:
What does ‘letting go’ mean to you? What feelings / images / thoughts does it evoke?
Do you struggle to let go? Why or why not?
What do you need to let go of in your life? Where do you need to make space?
What do you want to call into your life? What would you like to fill the space with?
2. Embracing change
Change is all around us. Some animals prepare for hibernation whilst others begin their migration. Trees shed their leaves as they transition into dormancy. A riot of colour feasts our eyes.
The only constant in our life is change yet it’s something all humans struggle with. We tend to fight it, resist it, avoid it, ignore it and wish it away.
Try taking a leaf out of autumn’s book and embracing change. I have spent time exploring my relationship to change and it’s helped me to shift my mindset to being more open to change. I still find change uncomfortable and painful at times but I know that it will be worth it in the end. My mindset has shifted and this supports me when things feel tough. I’m able to sit with the discomfort whilst also taking solace in knowing that it will be worth it in the end. My unwavering belief that everything is happening for my highest good supports me
Explore your relationship to change with these journaling prompts:
How do you feel about change? What feelings/ thoughts / images does it evoke?
What is it about change that makes me feel uncomfortable, and why?
What are some of the most significant changes that have happened this year? How did you feel about them at the time and how do you feel now?
How can you embrace change more?
What are 3 things you’d like to change in your life? What small steps can you make towards these changes?
What are 3 things you like the most in your life?
3. Gratitude
Autumn is a time for harvest. This is when farmers work tirelessly to harvest their crops and enjoy the fruits of their labour.
Gratitude is something we can do in every season but it feels especially appropriate in autumn. We naturally begin to slow down so we can use this time to take stock of our year so far and to celebrate and give thanks for our harvest thus far.
Autumn is a great reminder that there is beauty in the simplest of things - the ever-changing colours of the leaves, the smell of crisp autumn air, the unbeatable feeling of being cosy. Slow down, be present and give thanks for the simple things (as well as the big things).
If you can look at life through this lens, searching for things to be grateful for, your life will shift positively. I’ve experienced it myself. Practising gratitude was my way into the world of wellness and it helped to reduce my stress levels, shift my perspective and increase my self-esteem.
Here are some journaling prompts to help you:
Write down one good thing that happened to you today
Which loved ones are you most grateful to have in your life? Write about them
What’s something that you’re grateful to have today that you didn’t have a year ago?
What’s something about your body or health that you’re grateful for?
Write a list of things you are grateful for
If you’d like more support to embrace autumn join my Autumn Replenish Retreat. You will receive a daily email for 5 days with a replenishing wellness practice to do in the comfort of your own home.
With love & gratitude,
Jyoti x