Becoming A Menstrual Cycle Coach ~ My Journey
How many moments in your life can you look back on and say "that's the one that altered the trajectory of my life in the best possible way"?
Applying to Claire Baker's Cycle Coach Training is one of those moments for me.
Let me take you on a journey that began long before I applied to Cycle Coach School or knew what Menstrual Cycle Awareness was, when I was still a Primary School Teacher.
I began noticing several patterns in my thought patterns, my moods and my emotions. One of these prevalent patterns was feeling desperate to leave my job and pursue something else. The voice in my head would ponder: 'there has to be more to life than living for the weekend and feeling constantly stressed, right?' Then a couple of weeks later the voice would subside and I would feel capable and more optimistic. But two-ish weeks later the voice would return, a little louder this time. It would eventually disappear only to return again - each time getting louder and louder and louder. I tried to quieten it. I tried to banish it. I tried to trick it. I tried everything. But it wouldn't go away. That is until I eventually decided to listen to it and leave teaching in 2019 and forge my own path.
At the time I remember wondering if my thoughts, actions, moods and emotions were linked to my menstrual cycle but never acted on it. I continued living my life and repeating many patterns for years.
May 2020
I am on a walk listening this podcast and heard the menstrual cycle compared to the seasons (what I know understand as the seasonal framework). It I was ravenous for more information. I was outraged that I didn't know this sooner. I was ecstatic that I could begin to use this wisdom to understand myself better. I was heartbroken that this isn't common knowledge amongst all genders. I felt all of the things for all of the reasons.
June 2020
After delving into the menstrual cycle awareness rabbit hole, I stumbled across Claire Baker. After reading more about her Cycle Coach Training I signed up the waiting list.
November 2020
I get an email to say applications for Cycle Coach School is open. There is a syllabus attached (which looks epic) and an application form to fill out. I hold off filling it out for fear of not being accepted, not being good enough.
December 2020
It's a Saturday night and I am clearing through my emails - I know, a wild Saturday night - although, in my defence, it was lockdown and I am a Virgo so organisation is everything to me. I see Claire's email and decide to apply - what's the worst that could happen?
Filling out the application form was healing and transformational in itself - a window into what the six month training would be like.
Photo taken by Nadia Meli
Three days later I am at a school teaching mindfulness workshops. I finish with my first group of thirty children and am waiting for the next group to arrive so I have a quick peek at my phone. I see the words "It’s my pleasure to welcome you into Cycle Coach Facilitator Training for 2021."
I cannot stop smiling. I want to tell everyone. E-v-e-r-y-o-n-e! But instead, I remain calm and teach mindfulness, and in between my sessions, I message my loved ones and we get excited together.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
The course itself was everything I hoped it would be and more; nourishing, invigorating, healing, eye-opening and everything in between. Claire creates an open, honest and safe space whilst executing fierce boundaries. An outstanding teacher, coach and role model. The connections I have made, the sisterhood we have formed, the friendships that have blossomed are nothing short of magic. It's been a blessing and an honour.
I am now a Certified Cycle Coach and a proud Mentor on the Cycle Coach Training Programme. I love bringing this wisdom to my clients and the world. I love witnessing the journey's of the cycle coach trainees and guiding them in my calls
And the prevalent pattern I described at the beginning of this blog? Well I realised it was my intuition that was telling me to leave my job back in 2018, most likely in the autumn phase of my cycle, and because I wasn't listening to her she got louder and louder. And it was probably around my spring and summer time that I felt better about my job and capable - thanks to the increase in oestrogen and her rose-tinted glasses.
If you are interested in enrolling in the Cycle Coach Facilitator Training for 2023 then you can get all the details and fill in the application form here. If you do apply, please mention my name in your application and I will send you something in the post as a thank you!
If you have any questions please reach out to me via email
With love & gratitude,
Jyoti x