The Four Seasons: Inner Spring
Welcome back to our series of posts exploring the four inner seasons of the menstrual cycle. In case you missed any you can read them at:
An important note before we get into inner spring:
**There is no right way or perfect way to experience your menstrual cycle. My writing refers to my personal experience, my clients experience or a generalised experience but that doesn’t mean it will be your experience. So as you read these posts, take what feels right for you and discard the rest. Ultimately, your experience overrides anything I say. Our cycles are constantly changing and what matters the most is that you honour your cycle in your own way.**
Photo taken by Nadia Meli
'Hello world, I'm back! I'm cheeky, I'm playful, I'm creative, I'm ready'
What's happening in your body?
Your uterine lining begins to thicken as your body prepares for ovulation. With the gradual increase in oestrogen, your energy levels begin to rise again. Plus testosterone increases on the last few days of this phase. Much like the season of Spring, this is a time of new beginnings, fresh perspective and possibility/potential/hope. As our energy levels begin to grow, we feel like going out into the world more.
How I feel:
I feel more energised and eager to implement my period insights & ideas. But, through charting my cycle I have learnt that if I come out of menstruation too fast it comes back to bite me later in my cycle. So I try to build up slowly, keeping back some of my energy and remaining anchored within myself. Sometimes my excitement and eagerness coupled with the rise in oestrogen means that I feel overwhelmed or anxious during the first couple of days of this phase. I find journaling, mantra chanting and breathwork help with these feelings.
How I support myself:
Workout ~ my body is ready for anaerobic exercise again. This is usually a combination of HIIT, strength training and (in warmer weather 😅) running
Inner connection ~ I love to journal throughout my cycle but in my inner spring I like to switch things up from my usual free writing and use journaling prompts (like the ones below)
Outer connection ~ after withdrawing from the world, I feel ready to engage again. I will make an effort to reach out to loved ones, have a catch up and spend quality time
How I support my clients:
New new new ~ the hope and innocence of this phase mean it's a great time to try something new. It could be a new exercise class, a new way of working, a new personal style, a new hobby - you get the idea
Implementation ~ begin to put your dream/vision/intention from your inner winter phase into practice. Use your increased patience, drive and determination to make a plan and take the first few steps - we map this out together in Devoted
Exploring menarche (your first period) ~ this is an integral part of my Devoted sessions. I guide my clients through a powerful meditative journey, journaling prompts and reflection time which supports them to understand this phase of their cycle and deepen their connection to themselves.
There is deep wisdom that runs through your bones, blood & body
Uncover your innate cyclical wisdom and learn how to embrace the four phases of your menstrual cycle with my bespoke 1:1 sessions, Devoted
I love to...
listen to: my playlists blossom | spring and lazy Sunday mornings on repeat
eat: this is a time when I love to try new recipes. One of my goals for 2023 is to learn to cook Indian food (finally!) from the best chef I know, my Momma. I tell her what I would like to make and she voicenotes me the recipe. As I cook, I feel connected to my ancestors and my roots. I would love to share some of the recipes with you one day - would you be interested?
Journaling Prompts
How do you feel in this moment?
What do you know you need to be doing less of? What would you like to let go of?
What do you feel like having more of right now? What would you like to invite into your life?
Think back to the time of your first menarche (first period). Take a few deep breaths, set a ten minute timer and write. Let the words flow onto the page with no editing or filtering.
What did you used to love doing around the time of your menarche (first period)? How could you bring that into your life?
With love & gratitude,
Jyoti x
Read the other blog posts in this series: menstruation ~ inner winter, pre-ovulation ~ inner spring, ovulation ~ inner summer and pre-menstruation ~ inner autumn