29 And Feeling Fine!

Thursday 1st September - Cycle Day 7 - 4.49pm -Waxing Crescent Scorpio Moon

Hi. It's my birthday eve - yay!

I am grateful, eternally grateful. What a special year 28 has been. I bought my first home and I married my best friend. Life has been tender, messy and overwhelming at times. I've had therapy. I've worked on my anxiety. I've been more vulnerable. I've spoken up more and used the power of my voice. I've started a podcast. I've taught at festivals. I've mothered myself. I've taken time for myself. I've been loved by family and friends. I've spent quality time with my family from India and created beautiful memories. I've made new friends. I've let old ones go. I've grown. I've become more and more myself.

I am feeling excited for a new year around the sun to keep living my life to the fullest, to feel each moment deeply and let it run through my bones, to be human, to be happy, to be sad, to love, to be loved, to laugh, to cry, to create sweet new memories, to travel, to experience new things, to spend quality time with the people I love, to meet new people, to foster community, to continue making my house a home, to continue becoming the truest and most authentic version of myself, to hold space, to host retreats, to be alive and present, to peel back the layers of conditioning, to reclaim my innate power, to be me.

Bring it on.

A wave of peace and stillness and groundedness washes over me.

Friday 2nd September - Cycle Day 8 - 8.22am -Waxing Crescent Scorpio Moon

Happy birthday to me! I am at my parents house, in bed, with my husband still sleeping beside me. I feel excited and grounded. I feel refreshed and energised. I feel ready for a new year around the sun. I am 29 years old today and that is kind of wild to me.

I have spent most of my 20s denying that I am getting older, not always knowing my exact age and wishing I could be between 18 and 25 again. But this year I am genuinely happy to be a year older and a year wiser. I have experienced and learnt so much over the last 365 days. I have grown into myself more. I have believed in myself more. I have developed more confidence. I am able to celebrate myself and my achievements. I am able to verbalise my strengths. I feel good in my skin. I have a deep appreciation and reverence for life.

Even through the lowest moments, deep down I have trust in the Universe, in God, that everything is unfolding for my highest good. I am able to be present and appreciate moments as they are happening which feels important and keeps me grounded.

This year I am calling in more love, more presence, more balance and more laughter. Great times with great people. A community ~ near and far ~ of loved ones who I can count on and they can count on me. A redefined relationship to time ~ to realise that there is more than enough of it; there is no rush, there is no end point. A commitment to continue noticing and rewriting my limiting beliefs and patterns that no longer serve me. To appreciate where I am whilst striving towards my goals. To embody my favourite quote ~ "you are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously." To give to those who need it. To grow my business, my coaching, my retreats, my podcast, my community, my workshops, my online courses, my abundance ~ in satisfaction and wealth.

A year of devotion to my business, my loved ones and myself.

With love & gratitude,

Jyoti x


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