Welcome to my blog!
A space where I delve into yoga, cyclical living, Ayurveda, identity and beyond.
A sanctuary where I explore, uncover, reflect, unlearn, reclaim and peel back the layers of conditioning as I come back home to myself.
An oasis where I fully embody my authentic self.

30 Lessons As I Turn 30
I genuinely love getting older each year and my menstrual cycle awareness practice has helped me to get here.
Each year I sink into myself deeper, I know who I am more, I love who I am more, I feel more at home in my body, I care less what people think, I come home to myself a little more, I believe in myself more, I have more things to be grateful for.
It's a blessing to get older and one I don't take for granted.
For my 30th birthday, my wonderful husband took me on a surprise trip to Malta. We spent my birthday hiking the Maltese coast, feasting on the most magical views and swimming in the sea.
As I relaxed in the sunshine, I spent some time journaling and reflecting, with the soundtrack of waves gently crashing into rocks and the sea breeze caressing my face. I wrote about some of the lessons I’ve learnt in my 30 years and here they are…

29 And Feeling Fine!
I am grateful, eternally grateful. What a special year 28 has been. I bought my first home and I married my best friend. Life has been tender, messy and overwhelming at times. I've had therapy. I've worked on my anxiety. I've been more vulnerable. I've spoken up more and used the power of my voice. I've started a podcast. I've taught at festivals. I've mothered myself. I've taken time for myself. I've been loved by family and friends. I've spent quality time with my family from India and created beautiful memories. I've made new friends. I've let old ones go. I've grown. I've become more and more myself.

28 Years Around The Sun
I have been trying to write these words for a week or so now and struggling to. Why, you ask? Well I think it may be because I don’t feel that much has happened. At least not in the way I thought it would.

27 Years Around The Sun
After I turned 22, I used to wish my birthday wouldn't come. Don't get me wrong I loved the celebrations - being surrounded by my loved ones on my birthday is my most favourite thing - but growing another year older would sadden me.
Want to learn more?
Listen to the podcasts I’ve been interviewed on
Listen to my free menstruation meditations