Welcome to my blog!
A space where I delve into yoga, cyclical living, Ayurveda, identity and beyond.
A sanctuary where I explore, uncover, reflect, unlearn, reclaim and peel back the layers of conditioning as I come back home to myself.
An oasis where I fully embody my authentic self.

What makes me different?

No One Is Coming To Save Me
It's Saturday evening at my parents house and we are all gathered in the kitchen to eat dinner. The table is filled with delicious Indian food - chilli paneer, the world's best paneer spring rolls, spiced potatoes stuffed in bread and deep fried, fresh mint & coriander chutney and more. I am in food heaven.

Decolonizing Wellness: The Podcast
I can officially add podcast host to my list of jobs! Yep, that's right, I've started a podcast. It's called Decolonizing Wellness: The Podcast and is a place for people who want to engage in wellness practices with integrity.

Your Words Have Power.
Hi, my name is Jyoti. I'm 27. I mispronounce my name, to certain people, to make their lives easier. Each time I do, a little piece of me dies inside. I am trying to stop but it’s hard. I’ve been doing it so long it’s become automatic: "Hi my name is jo-tee." When, in fact, it’s jyoh-thee.
Want to learn more?
Listen to the podcasts I’ve been interviewed on
Listen to my free menstruation meditations